Orthotic Shop

Orthotic Shop

14200 Industrial Center Dr., Shelby Township, Michigan, 48315, United States

  contact@orthoticshop.com     1-800-309-0412

  Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM

Corns & Calluses

Overview of Corn & Calluses

Corns and calluses are foot conditions defined by hardened layers of skin (hyperkeratosis) that form due to rubbing or abnormal pressure on the foot. The skin gets firmer to protect from further irritation. While they are evidently visually unappealing, corns and calluses can also become quite painful if they begin to swell or entangle with nerves below the skin. Generally, neither corns nor calluses are not very serious and can be treated with basic at-home products. However, those with diabetic neuropathy or reduced blood flow are more likely to suffer a severe foot issue from a corn or callus. These foot conditions can also be formed as a byproduct of hammertoes or bunions.

There are two major differences between corns and calluses:

The following symptoms are most commonly seen when a corn or callus is present:

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SIL10055 Silipos Digital Pad - Package of 12 $44.95